The road to success

The AVIS brand was founded in 1946 by Warren Avis and came to Slovakia in 1996 thanks to Vladimír Orth. In 1946 AVIS was the only car rental company operating at airports, four years later the brand began to spread rapidly through franchises and other types of ownership. In 1963 AVIS introduced the famous slogan "We try harder", ten years later AVIS came up with an innovative and unique reservation system, which was one of the biggest steps forward.
Today, AVIS is the most comprehensive mobility brand in the country, operating the largest fleet of vehicles in the widest branch network.
The franchise concept is an effective way to build your idea, potential and commitment into an efficient and effective part of the largest car rental company in Slovakia and thus belong to the global network of Avis Budget Group, which covers the largest network of car rental companies in the world. Acquire a license that will bring you a carefully thought out structured system, innovative solutions, technological advances, marketing support and successful know-how.
The concept of three types of franchise allows maximum flexibility for your business. Franchises are divided according to the size of the planned fleet of vehicles and the expected number of rentals.
If you are interested in the franchise concept, you can contact us at
Vladimír Orth, CEO AVIS Slovakia:
"Avis Slovakia is a pioneer in introducing the latest technological innovations that are outpacing the competition not only locally, but also globally.
All the activities we offer are purposefully structured, which would not be possible without the technological interconnection of all components.
I am convinced that the future competitive environment will not be about who has how many and what kind of cars, but how they can drive them."