The AVIS fleet is green and is the only one that complies with the prescribed emission limits.
CO2 emissions are clearly the biggest contributor to air pollution. They lead to significant climate change. CO2 emissions accumulate in the atmosphere below the ozone layer. In layman's terms, these accumulated gases prevent heat from the earth from reaching space, thereby increasing the earth's temperature.
Countries around the world are combating CO2 emissions in different ways. Some more responsibly, others only marginally. However, the world is one common place where we all live, and therefore this topic concerns us all indiscriminately. A week ago, the United Nations held a meeting where the very issue of climate was addressed, and the main reason for this two-week climate summit is to take action to combat the increase in CO2 at a global level.
Despite the constant reduction in CO2 over the last 10 years, the pace has slowed down. When we look at why this is the case, despite the EU's strategies and restrictions, we see an interesting trend.
Customers are increasingly favouring SUV car models, which, however, have higher CO2 emissions. These are mostly petrol models with an average CO2 value almost 10% higher. The biggest influence on the implementation of the CO2 reduction strategy therefore lies with the users, whether private individuals or companies.
Corporate social responsibility is many times, especially in the West, but it is gradually penetrating into the Slovak Republic as well, as a condition for the acquisition of a fleet of vehicles, not only the rental price but also the CO2 emission value, and according to this it is decided which vehicles to choose for its fleet from which provider.
In the current ranking of new car purchases with average CO2, Slovakia is at the tail end of the EU. On the other hand, the Scandinavian countries are the leaders. Why is that?
Slovaks buy vehicles with high CO2 values by default. The main reason why this is the case is the absence of state regulation, which does not create sufficient awareness of why low CO2 is important and then unfortunately not only individuals but often even companies do not realise this.
Given the turbulence in the vehicle market and the huge shortage of vehicles, it is not easy to choose vehicles that have low emissions and get them without a long wait and at a reasonable price.
Nevertheless, AVIS is going against the grain and, with its responsible approach, is setting a standard that is not yet even required by the state. "In this way, we want to be a showcase for our partners and customers when it comes to our environmental goals and sustainability policy and contribute to a greener future." Revealed Juraj Šulhaň, CEO of AVIS.
Leaders must lead by example
AVIS is a world leader in the mobility segment, not only in terms of technology, branch network and quality of service, but also in terms of its corporate social responsibility and sustainability strategy. The responsibility that the largest company in this segment has is not insignificant at all, as the carbon footprint generated by its more than 600,000 vehicles is not negligible.
In the Slovakian context, implementing a sustainability strategy is challenging, but not impossible. On the company's website - for example, the current status of the emission values of the entire AVIS fleet is published.
Tomorrow will be greener
The sale of vehicles with internal combustion engines is to be banned by 2035. However, vehicle manufacturers will not wait until then to adapt their production capacities, but will start the transition to alternative drives much earlier.
AVIS already has hybrid, plug-in hybrid or electric vehicles available for long-term rental. Average CO2 as one of the primary indicators is also followed by major players in the field of operating leasing and vehicle rental when selecting vehicles for their fleets. Even with conventional fuels, AVIS also uses average CO2 emission values, among other factors, when deciding which vehicles to include in its fleet.
Indeed, the intention to have a green fleet is the simplest way in which companies can also contribute to responsible living for all of us.
The most important thing, and this is true of everything, is to start from something and to begin. However, the sooner companies that drive a lot of kilometres a month realise this, the sooner we will not only achieve the common goal, but exceed it.
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