With us, you can also ride with no commitment or with flexible commitment
We understand that during the crisis we are in, every single euro is important to all of us and spending it should be carefully considered. What is important to think about during a crisis is how the situation will develop and how long it is likely to last. Today, nobody knows the answer to when this situation will end. Therefore, if we do not know what the future will look like, let us try to influence the present.
The car is a means of transport that almost everyone needs nowadays. Whether a company or an individual.
Why renting is profitable, you can read in the article, 4 REASONS NOT TO RENT AND NOT TO BUY A CAR!
What we can offer you:

If you are wondering how to transport yourself further, outside of public transport, and therefore as safely as possible in the current situation, there are a number of options. We have described these in an article comparing buying and renting a car.
Depending on whether you just need to get somewhere for a one-off transfer or whether you need to use the car for a few months or permanently, we have a tailor-made product for each case and, most importantly, you will save money.

Flexibility and comprehensiveness of service is important
AVIS provides comprehensive fleet mobility solutions for companies of all sizes and advises companies on fleet optimisation in order to achieve maximum efficiency, savings and, last but not least, comfort for the users of the service themselves.
What AVIS offers you

Mobility as a service
As part of our services, we provide our customers with the following programmes:
- Vehicle rental (from 1 day up to several years),
-depending on whether the customer needs maximum flexibility and dominates the need to rent a vehicle for only a few days at a time, when you use classic car rental services and make reservations without restrictions online, or you want to rent a vehicle for a fixed period of e.g. 3 or 6 months, or you use the 12 months, when you get an even better deal. For stable positions in companies and so-called top management positions, we generally recommend alonger commitment, which should be at the level of 3 to 4 years, depending on the vehicle and mileage requirements,
- lease and subsequent buy-back ( lease and buy),
-when the customer first leases the vehicle either to test drive it or because of the need to optimise the initial capital in the vehicle and then buys it for a pre-agreed amount.

Who is our customer
- companies of any size
- companies that employ staff on a seasonal basis
- companies that need to cover the period until a new vehicle is delivered
- companies that have employees on fixed-term contracts
- companies that have employees coming from abroad for a fixed period of time
- firms that need to respond flexibly to an increase in orders
If you are interested in our offer or would like to learn more about our services, please contact us at +421 900 200 200 ( this line is charged at 0,60€/minute incl. VAT), or send us an email to
To make a reservation click here: